Île-de-France Mobilités logo; PFR shuttle service accessible for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games


List of prohibited items for spectators and hospitality

  • Prohibited Items:

Items prohibited at competition venues

For hospitality and spectators, the list of prohibited items at competition venues is as follows (subject to change based on risk analysis):

  • Weapons and ammunition of any kind
  • Simulated weapons: airsoft guns, replica weapons, and/or reproductions that could cause doubt about the holder's intentions
  • Improvised weapons: tools of all kinds, selfie sticks, everyday knives, etc.
  • Explosives, flammable substances, and pyrotechnic devices: improvised explosive devices, makeshift explosive devices, gunpowder, smoke bombs, flares, fireworks, objects resembling explosive devices, ignition devices
  • Dangerous substances, doping products, and illegal drugs: Items likely to violate laws regulating toxic and harmful substances, narcotics and stimulants, or other illegal drugs in France and Europe, items considered hazardous materials under French law, tear gas, pressurized containers, items considered hazardous materials
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Glass containers, cans, tin cans
  • Wireless devices: radios, microphones, broadcast cameras, drones, satellite systems, wireless routers, jamming technology devices, radio scanners
  • Political, religious, vulgar messages, trademarks: Advertising material, signs, banners that include a religious or political message, or are deemed contrary to public order. Signs, posters, sheets, and any other object that can be used to demonstrate inside the venues
  • Personal means of transportation, whether electric or not: bicycles, scooters, roller skates, skateboards, gyropods, hoverboards hoverboards ;
  • Accessories for personal means of transportation: bicycle helmets, motorcycle helmets, batteries for electric means of transport
  • Objects producing excessive noise: megaphones, vuvuzelas, air horns, speakers, or musical instruments
  • Laser pointers
  • Sports equipment and accessories for this equipment that can be considered dangerous
  • Folding chairs and seat canes
  • Camcorders and professional cameras

Restricted Items:

  • Improvised weapons: only walking canes are allowed
  • Flammable substances: only portable oxygen bottles for medical use are allowed
  • Containers: allowed items are:
    • Plastic or metal water bottles up to 75cl
    • Plastic bottles up to 75cl
  • Food: food is allowed in reasonable quantities for personal consumption
  • Animals: only guide dogs and assistance dogs are allowed
  • Aerosols: sunscreen sprays and misting sprays are allowed
  • Flags: only flags of countries and territories participating in the Games are allowed, without rigid poles. The size of the flags must not exceed 1x2 meters
  • Personal means of transportation: all personal mobility aids for people with disabilities are allowed
  • Luggage: bags with a maximum capacity of 25 liters are allowed
  • Umbrellas: only small folding umbrellas are allowed
  • Photographic devices: camera lenses under 20cm are allowed